Worthy Magazines Life Guru

I am currently in the process of working with my UOM (J.C. Samuels) to build a successful magazine. The magazine is called Worthy Magazine and so far, so good.

In this process though I am doing some mini research to find out how to be a journalist, since I have no experience in the field. I can take some great pictures, if I have my camera on me but I do not know exactly what to ask those who are around. This entry is an accumulation of information that I am stumbling across to make me a better writer in the world of journalism and interviews!
Worthy Tumblr
I will be using this website, Right Writing, to guide any for of writing that I do from here on out. The information on the site is overwhelming and considering that I have not gotten more than 4 hours of sleep today I am not up to reading anything that length. From what I have read though I know I will be able to gather a lot of guidance and take my skills to a whole new level.

Now the other source that I will be using is from About.com. This source gave me these great guidelines to follow

  • Prepare ahead of time
  • Set the tone
  • Let your curiosity lead you
  • Yes, you may google
  • Avoid cliches
  • Avoid yes-no answers
  • Go to the source
  • Ask the editor
These are other sources that I will be using but are just from a basic iGoogle  search.


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