Must Sees

Happy Feet 2

I cannot deny that one of my favorite movie is Happy Feet and when I found out there was a sequel in the mix, I just had to share it with you all. Now if you are not a kid at heart like myself you probably will not care... and if that is the case, that is so unfortunate! But none-the-less GO SEE THOSE FEET GET HAPPY ALL OVER AGAIN!

Mission Impossible 3

Now Tom Cruise is doing to much by starring in this trequel... is that even a word? Regardless I know that I will be first in line to see this smash! I have never missed a movie and buy the DVD after each movie comes out for my aunt. These movie will never get old to me. The movie it self has sparked so many television shows and other movie ideas, in my opinion. How could you go wrong seeing a movie that has great actors and an amazing story-line? That's right, you CAN'T!

Muppets- Yes there is a return coming!

Last but not least is this movie, which I am calling the Muppets Return! Finally!! After all these years it is about time that the Muppets came back to the big screens. I am tired of feeling old and little kids looking at me like I am crazy when I talk about the Muppets. I am excited to see this movie and to feel like a kid all over again.


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