We are always dreaming of reaching a new high, a new goal and being the best at everything we set before ourselves. The truth of the matter is that we will not always succeed and quite frankly, we may never make it to our original dream. Along the way we sometimes overcome obstacles, while there are other times that those obstacles become dead ends that open our eyes to a painful truth or an unknown blessing, depending on how you evaluate a situation.
Never be afraid to write your dreams in pencil because they will never remain the same. And if your dream never changes then you have done something wrong. Your dreams and paths to those dream should change with every situation that occurs in your life. You may grow up wanting to be a singer but with each life occurrence your dream should change, becoming more specific and realistic. The path that you planned to reach that dream should evolve to meet your needs and allow you to use the skills that you have accumulated over the years to push you to success. If that is not the case you are not going to succeed without a very painful struggle. And the key to it all is staying motivated, do not be afraid to research what you want to do or be focused. The motivation that you have will allow to achieve the un-achievable, master the skills that are almost impossible to grasp and conquer armies without lifting a finger.
Never be afraid to write your dreams in pencil because they will never remain the same. And if your dream never changes then you have done something wrong. Your dreams and paths to those dream should change with every situation that occurs in your life. You may grow up wanting to be a singer but with each life occurrence your dream should change, becoming more specific and realistic. The path that you planned to reach that dream should evolve to meet your needs and allow you to use the skills that you have accumulated over the years to push you to success. If that is not the case you are not going to succeed without a very painful struggle. And the key to it all is staying motivated, do not be afraid to research what you want to do or be focused. The motivation that you have will allow to achieve the un-achievable, master the skills that are almost impossible to grasp and conquer armies without lifting a finger.
Personally I have come to realize that there is nothing that you cant do once you put your mind to it.
So put your mind to work and make it happen.