Review of Shanieism Planner

For those who know me well, know that I am always trying to maintain an balance in my life while being organized.  I always have the same people that I ask about planners, EVERYONE! This time I was introduced to a brand new company that is also a Black Owned Business!

Introducing Shanieism!

This planner is everything that I could have asked for and some. The planner is so popular that it has sold out during its premiere! I was lucky enough to be able to pre-order my copy! 

I find that the layout allows me to really stay organized and focused. 

The Calendar Section allows me to keep track of major events, birthdays, holidays and more at a quick glance.  This section does not allow you to write many things in the box for each date, which can be a little bothersome for some. I personally found this to be a great thing. Forced me to only focus on birthdays, holidays and one important task or meeting for each date. 

Afterwards it progresses to the Weekly Section that I have made a slight modification to. The day is divided into three parts, so for each section I labeled them to be specific time slots. The slots are 12am to 8am, 9am to 4pm, and 5pm to midnight.  This was honestly the only part of the planner that I wish was there, the time slots similar to an appointment planner. This section is perfect for jotting down the event you have and the time you would need to be there. Along the left side of the planner is space that has been allocated for you to take notes. Across the bottom of the pages is blank space that can be used as you. All of the extra space I use for taking notes and adding a little more detail to any events that I may need to know immediately.

Once you have gone through the weekly view, you will see the Daily Section. This part is perfect for adding details to a specific event since the weekly section is on the smaller side. I use this for Daily To-Do list, address or specific information that relates to an event, and any other information that may be needed. 


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