Once again I have to shout out these ladies. It's hard to believe that in the period of about 6 months I have met some of the hottest up and coming artist in the county, let alone the next best female rappers to hit the stage. In case you have not been paying attention, the the Ladies of Broward County are the hottest ladies in the game. I personally believe that they are better than the ones that are already mainstream. Because they are up and coming these ladies have a lot to prove but without fail they have done it already. They have talent, style and most of all are down to earth women. With that being said I have had the pleasure of personally meeting Ms. NeNe at her Birthday Bash and Marcy Marlone right before one of her performances. These lovely ladies can be found on facebook, twitter and if you are lucky you may get the chance to meet them in person. In addition to everything else, these ladies help to bring each other up, collaborating on songs, and being friends i...