America's Most Wanted adds Day Care Owner

Everyday something new is going on in the world. From Monday through Friday something new is happening every five seconds at the Daycare/ Preschool that I work in. We have to ensure the children's safety no matter what they do or how they do it, but that is our job and in all cases that is the job of every capable adult around the world. They are our future... But i think that everyone could understand my outrage when I woke up this morning picked up my phone and read the article from CNN that was entitled, Owner of Texas day care, site of fatal fire, now among 'most wanted' .

Read the article for yourself, I will always recommend that since this is my opinion and all the details are sometimes left out.  Even though I thought it was a joke or going to explain that this was a misunderstanding it did none of those things. This article demonstrate what most daycare providers fear, that not everyone who work in the child care field can be trusted. She left seven children unattended in her home,which is her daycare facility, to go to the grocery store. Unfortunately for her this time, she left a pot on the stove with oil, causing a fire to start. Due to the fact that she ran she has several charges against her placing her on the Most Wanted List, she is actually in the top 15 at the moment.

Similar to the Department of Children & Families work who was found in possession of illegal drugs.(Central Florida DCF worker arrested on cocaine charges by ABC) In doing further research I found that there are an alarming number of cases of people that are legally bound to protect children bringing them harm or that are reckless in nature. This situation had me asking, how can someone on drugs take away and break up homes of people that could be on drugs. It makes no sense to have people that work for these types of organizations and they don't have regular background checks or drug test. In all honesty with the world the way it is today, no one can be left out of possible test or procedure.

There are so many things that I could say but at the moment these two stories have left me or less at a loss of words. So I will end it with this, always know who is watching your child and never be afraid to just show up and make sure they are doing their job.


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