
Showing posts from March, 2011

Game Mode

NBC has done it again and created a game show for the books. A Minute to Win It is no joke. My first watching the show is to watch and I see two basketball players from the Lakers, Shannon Brown & Derek Fisher. These two made it happen and raised money for their charities.  While their wives sat in the audience and supported their every move. I will be watching this show again.

A Thing of Beauty

Black Female Extravaganza 2011 March 19, 2011 at 7pm Phillips Center for the Performing Arts The women have been practicing and having rehearsals since last semester and it all came down to this finally show. They have just one chance to get each line right, execute each move with perfect precision, and hit every note on time. The room slowly fills up with friends and family waiting for the show to start. A voice comes over the speaker system, "Please stand for the Negro National Anthem".  The Black Female Extravaganza (BFE) singers take the stage and give everyone a sample of what they have been waiting for. The introduction had everyone hooked, with angelic voices singing in unison but still managing to maintain their own unique tones for the audience to cherish. These women blessed our ears through out the show with ease.  As the finale is close approaching the lovely ladies strut their stuff at the end of the show. After the show had com to a close fami...

Freedom of Speech does have its price

In the United States of America we pride ourselves on being a democratic country, amongst other things. Sometimes w run into slight issues with certain rights that we are supposed to have without a second thought. And one of those rights that never fails to be up for debate or scrutiny by some is Freedom of Speech. One man exercised his right to speak freely and due to his status he was able to reach multiple media outlets with a very little issue.  I thought it was very interesting to watch Charlie Sheen vocalize all of his issues and get the support of millions over night. But due to his vocalization he seems to have lost his current job as part of the leading actors on Two and a Half Men. Should being vocal cost you your job? Should a person be able to say what they want, when they want without having to worry about their job? For more information visit:  Sheen canned from sitcom after extended public meltdown

"Hide ya kids" is mainstream?

Viral video stars unite for 'The Chronicles of Rick Roll' There is always someone trying to make it big using  You Tube   but not everyone has what it takes. A few of the most recent characters are trying to get into the mainstream! Check out the article that explains it all... even  CNN   has the story.  Know you meme: The Rick Roll The Chronicle of Rick Roll Hopefully we get to see this movie somewhere, movie theaters, television or even dvd. If they can make it I think anyone can =)

Fight Night?

It seems that there is always something new going on in the education arena. This time, though, a teacher took that idea literally. In Los Angeles a substitute teacher for a probation camp decided to make let the juveniles fight and to regulate the fights. Although there are plenty of times that there a fights in the classroom and teachers do not jump in but call security to handle the issue, I have never heard of this. Up until this point I have seen a lot of different situations that teachers did not act appropriately, this somehow is a whole new blow,literally.  Here is a link to the article:  Teacher Busted For Running Fight Club With Students At the end of the day if you are not ready to uphold a good morale standing please do not place yourself in the life of children. Being a parent is different than being a teacher, and vice versa. Many times people feel that they can do both but it is not the same. There are a lot of boundaries that teachers can not cross and it see...

America's Most Wanted adds Day Care Owner

Everyday something new is going on in the world. From Monday through Friday something new is happening every five seconds at the Daycare/ Preschool that I work in. We have to ensure the children's safety no matter what they do or how they do it, but that is our job and in all cases that is the job of every capable adult around the world. They are our future... But i think that everyone could understand my outrage when I woke up this morning picked up my phone and read the article from CNN that was entitled,  Owner of Texas day care, site of fatal fire, now among 'most wanted'  . Read the article for yourself, I will always recommend that since this is my opinion and all the details are sometimes left out.  Even though I thought it was a joke or going to explain that this was a misunderstanding it did none of those things. This article demonstrate what most daycare providers fear, that not everyone who work in the child care field can be trusted. She left seven children u...


These lovely letter are my initials symbolizing something that no one can take away or change and that is me. I am Whitney Lacoy Johnson. One of the few times I will put my whole name out there. Now this is going to be a funny story but when it first happened it wasn't.  About a year and a half ago.... no more like two years at this point I was dating this guy who felt he had something to prove. So he want and got my initials tattooed onto the back of his arm. I told him that he was such a liar and cheater that he shouldn't of done that and he would probably go around saying that WLJ stood for "Wealth Loyalty and Justice" not Whit L Johnson. And come to find out I was right! Very sad and pathetic but unless he had the tattooed covered my initials are still there...he's like marked cattle, that I was saying when he got the tattoo anyway. So here's a picture for old time sake of what this fool did.