Reach- A Letter to U
Dear U,
This year is brand new and to start it off I would like to welcome you to this year with this- You will succeed as long as you keep PUSHing. ( Praying Until Something Happens)
The past year has been filled with ups and downs for the both of us but we have come out on top. We have seen people grow, lives change and met new people who are now very important and dear to us. Our relationship has grown, changed and developed in different ways. We need to be sure that even when we are apart we are still mentally together. No matter the distance or time apart your one of my dearest friends with a place in my heart.
But nonetheless we are still here to see another year. So what does this mean?
This year do not be afraid to take new risk and step outside of your comfort zone. No one is perfect but some of our biggest imperfections and flaws make for our best traits.
Reach for the stars and continue meeting them!
You are virtually unstoppable as long as you don't stop yourself. Keep your faith strong and your wits about you. People will try to get over on you but don't let that be upsetting or discouraging, just know that its apart of life that will never change. Some people may not like you or want to see you prosper but that is fine. The best revenge in life is to live it to the fullest! Who cares about the past because its behind us. Yes the working hands from yesterday help create the plaster of today that will mold the world of tomorrow. But always remember today will be tomorrows yesterday and those hands of yours will always be at work. Never be afraid to change your mind or path. Do not let any one tell you that you can't because most times what they are really saying is that they don't want you to.
Reach for the stars and the universe is yours.
Always be aware that you are a star. You don't have to be in front of flashing lights and a millionaire to be rich , but that is a great perk! Once your life is full of what you need and what your heart desires then strive for having a more refined life style or set a new goal. To me death of success isn't just poor decision making but it starts with lack of ambition and becoming content. Erase the words content and settled from your mind! There is always something to do. It could be as simple as reading a new book to as grand as marrying into royalty while funding millions to write their own story!
Reach for the stars because the sky is not the limit!
This is only the beginning. Take this from me and hear my words for the rest of your life. Do no get so caught up in work and trying to maintain a life you lose sight of your dreams, drift away from your career and end up drowning dissatisfaction. Life is too short... better yet time goes by to quickly and cannot be given back. Each time something happens you cash out and life has a no refund, no exchange policy. Life forces everyone to make fruit drinks because some people realize life isn't only giving out lemons.
Reach for the stars but only if that's where you want to be.
You are to blessed to be stressed! No man or woman should stress you. Don't let family or friends test you. Right now the only children we have are our dreams. So be a good mother and nurture them, protect and cherish them. If you do the things necessary you can take your baby (dream) and allow it to mature (goal & plan) and then grow into a thing of beauty (success). Keep in mind all the small parts of the dream add up. Remember it does take a village to raise a child and your child needs you to guide the village in the right direction as well as protect it from the harm, sometimes unintended from people.
Reach for the stars because you are one.
Know who you are, who you want to be and where u want to stand in life. People can tell you what they think you should do or how they think you should do it but if you don't know what you want then you will be a reflection of others. Do let people's words create negative waves in your pond but instead let everyone's words create ripples that will only have the effect you want. People will try to drain you...intentionally and unintentionally but either way keep you cork in :-)
I am done. Love you and be strong