Can I do them all?

A New Year calls for a New Post(s)

Highlights of the Year
Reviewing the Year Past
What 2011 means to me
New Years Resolutions

There are so many aspects of the New Year to talk about but what is it really? A fresh start or just another walk in the park called "Life"?  In my own personal opinion the upcoming year means the same that it meant last year, but that all depends on what it meant to you particularly. For me I would have to cover every single angle or at least try to....

Highlights of the Year

Graduating from the University of Florida with a Bachelors of Arts in Anthropology and Minor in Education.  I ended my collegiate career feeling free and renewing some friendships that had fallen apart, while letting other relationships fall complete to the wayside where they needed to be.
Then the very next day having a very special someone ask me to be their girlfriend, in the cutest way I have ever been asked. At the moment that this is being typed up we are going eight months strong and will continue to do so as long as possible. MJA is a great person.
I turned 21 years old and received my first teaching job at a preschool as the one year old teacher aka the Butterfly Class. For my friends planned it all and made it great! I love you all for that! It was spectacular and that weekend my family perfect as well...Well my family would be a highlight of every year not just this one =)

Reviewing the Year Past
This year past

What 2011 means to me

New Years Resolutions


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