
Showing posts from January, 2011

Coach Malk

 Just because you are a guy doesn't mean you can't have a fun casual photo shoot too.   Here are some moment captured of this Young Man turned Southern Gentleman in a flash. Eat your heart Express, you have a new model in the making =-)

Fashion: Table of Three

We do it big but in a different way.... =) It was a fun night be ready for the out takes lol =D

Urban Flower Posing

There are all kinds of flowers in the world but some how this flower blooms larger than the rest.  The epitome of independent and a free spirit, this flower is in a category all her own.   Ayana is the splash of flavor the blog world has been looking for, keep your eyes open and watch her reveal all she has to offer.

UOM Transformation

In a day a lot can change about the way a person looks. This is one of my idols that I was graced with joining on one journey through this change. Normally I would say she's fancy but this time I found something a little more fitting.   Ju'lia C.S. is awesome and check out her blog, its something more than you could ever imagine!

Heart Warming Email

"Big-E"'s Mom to me show details   Jan 24 (5 days ago) Hi Whitney, I got your note to send my email address if I wanted your pics of "Big-E".  Unfortunately, I missed the part of your note to send my email the next day!  I had the paper with your note in front of the computer, where "Big-E" found it this weekend & brought it to me, I read it again & thought, Oh no!  I want those pictures!! So I understand if you have already gotten rid of said-pics, but I would love copies of them if you still have them.  I hope you had a great weekend.  We so miss not seeing you in the mornings & afternoons.  It was such a difficult decision to switch "Big-E"'s school.  I wanted to explicitly tell you that our decision has absolutely nothing to do with you; in fact, you have kept us from moving forward on our decision for about 4 months (however long you've been at Miss LeAndra's).  We found this school when "Big-E"'...

F.I.S.S. Fashion

 The largest event to be hosted annually at the University of Florida during Black History month is the Florida Invitational Step Show, also known as F.I.S.S.  This event you can't just wear any old outfit,  you have to come dressed to impress. This is a selection of some of the various ensembles that have passed through Gainesville in the last four years between my friends and I.  And some people know how to make the most casual outfit seems just down right hot!  Keep an eye out this year for the hottest do's and most horrific don't's that are going to be entering Gainesville this year at F.I.S.S. during  February 19th.

Safety vs. Stupidity

If I was to say that starting July 1st of this year, anyone could carry a firearm openly onto any college campus or private school, what would you say? How would you feel? Well if we are not careful this question could transform into a statement.  After the shooting in Arizona it seems that a Florida Senator feels that more people should be able to openly carry their firearms as long as they have a concealed weapons permit.  Although the idea is to enhance the safety of the population and counteract random acts of violence, I think the passing of this bill would do quite the opposite.   Instead of my normal bashing ignorant people with power, I will look at this idea from both sides as rationally as possible.  From the side of the Senator and his supporters: To allow everyone the right to protect themselves at all times From the side opposing the Senator and his supporters: To ensure safety of everyone To keep environments of learning safe and not to intimidate...

New Hot Entertainment

Once again Atlanta has produced something the world has never seen.  A group of young and innovative men have hit the scene.  They have received the "Triple C" stamp of approval (which they have given themselves).  What does "Triple C" stand for?  This comedic sextet is taking over youtube and every college dorm by storm! If you haven't heard of them or scene an act, you need to step your game up.  Not only will they make you laugh with their many acts ranging from  Keri Hilsons- Pretty Girl Rock  to  Trading Places . They use their comedy acts to draw attention to some very important issues that are going on in the world today. Acts such as To Catch A Predator makes reference to the NBC show "To Catch a Predator". Although   THE ABUSIVE BOYFRIEND [THE INFOMERCIAL]   is hilarious they are sure to add a disclaimer at the end stating: to...