
Showing posts from April, 2012

Hit or miss?


Trayvon Martin


Easter Sunday Dress

Easter Sunday April 8,2012 Easter stands for a very special moment. Since this moment is very special our attire will change. We get new outfits for Easter Sunday. This is my Easter outfit. Soft Make-up 


When I first thought to write about this topic it was sparked by one incident and later fueled by others comments. Which means this topic has been on my mind for quite a while, eating away at the fringes of my better half to let people know how I feel. Now before I continue let me say this, " I AM NOT A MEMBER OF A GREEK LETTERED ORGANIZATION. I SIMPLY HATE SEEING PEOPLE USE IGNORANCE & RELIGION AS JUSTIFICATION TO BASH OTHERS." What can I say, it's the anthropologist in me.